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I have always been interested in dogs since I can remember and at any opportunity would play with my families or friends dogs. Once I was able to take on the commitment and responsibility of owning my own dog, I got Milo. After completing puppy class, obedience classes and trick classes with added help with recall and loose lead walking, I decided to study and gained my qualifications in dog training and behaviour. Once I completed my qualifications I decided it was a good time to add to our family and Harvey arrived. I continue my education with attending courses and seminars as much as possible. 
I enjoy training my dogs, building on their skills and our relationship as well as proofing behaviours for life and sports. I love taking them out for walks, enjoying the countryside and finding nice places for them to run around, swim and just be a dog.

In July 2022 I decided to make a big move - me and the boys packed up and moved here to Nova Scotia from the UK. We are having the best time!


Milo was born in May 2015 and is a black Labrador. He is the reason Rachel got into dog training. Milo as a puppy was full of energy and enthusiasm and was very independent. Rachel had to learn how to entertain, fulfil Milo’s physical and mental needs. After completing puppy class, Milo started trick classes which he loved. He completed all 4 levels and still enjoys them today. Milo also enjoys Hoopers and completed bronze and silver levels with canine hoopers UK. Milo is obsessed with water and loves swimming at every opportunity he can. Milo likes to explore everything and practices his recall daily! And of course will do anything for food.

Meet the Crew: Welcome


Harvey was born in November 2017 and is a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever. Rachel decided it was time to get another dog and wanted to do gundog work. From day 1 Harvey has loved retrieving and is ball obsessed. He has a great work ethic when it comes to gundog work. Harvey also enjoys his tricks but can get frustrated quickly. He too loves the water and also ‘tolls’ the waters edge as his breed should. Harvey has completed his Working Gundog Certificate on Dummies. Harvey has also complete the Gundog clubs level 1 (pass) and level 2 (distinction). Harvey has just started hoopers and is enjoying this and will be very quick!

Meet the Crew: About
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