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Loose Lead Walking Package



Does you dog pull on the lead? Is your arm, neck and back in pain due to your dog pulling?


Teaching your pup to walk nicely on a lead, is in my opinion one of the hardest things to teach your best friend. The main reason behind this, I believe, is they have 4 legs, their natural walking pace is a trot (a lot faster than our walk) which makes walking at our pace quite a difficult task. 

I am not going to lie about loose lead walking, it will take:

🕗 Time

🤨 Patience

😣 Perseverance 

🏁 Practise/Repetition 

✅ Reward - treats/praise


Loose lead walking is not fixed over night, within a week or a month. It will take time for you and your pup to get in to a rhythm your are both comfortable with. All of this and then adding in other factors such as the environment and people/dogs, as distractions, it takes a lot of work. 

My Story:

Milo, my 35kg Labrador and how we successfully climbed Snowdon…

I know 100% that if I NEVER taught (and yes, you do teach your dog) to loose lead walk, I would never have been able to walk Snowdon - even going up would have been difficult, let alone coming back down…





I have put together this loose lead walking package to give you and your pup the basic principle of teaching loose lead walking. This package will include 3 sessions in total:


Session 1 - Meet you and your pup. Teach you my basic loose lead walking techniques, giving you tips and guidance on how to handle/manage your pup in different situations. Run through how to and where to be teaching loose lead walking. You will also receive an email hand out of what exercises are covered so you can alway look back on these. This session will be 2 hours.

Session 2 - 1 month(ish) after session 1. Meet up and see how you are getting on. Run through any problems you are having with your loose lead walking and adjust your training if necessary. This session will be 45 minutes. 

Session 3 - 2 months(ish) after session 1. Meet up to see your progress and increasing the difficulty of your loose lead walking. Making sure your pup is understanding what loose lead walking is. This sessions will be 30 minutes. 

Extra Sessions can be added after session 3 if you feel you need more guidance or want to make sure you and your pup stay focused and keep your loose lead walking at a set standard. This can be either a 30 minute or hour session as you see fit.

Prices:  1 Hour - $80 or 30 minutes - $40


Loose Lead Walking Package - $210

(3 Sessions - 1st session 2 Hours, 2nd Session - 45 minutes,

3rd Session - 30 minutes)

Please note: All Loose Lead Walking Package sessions will ONLY focus on loose lead walking. Other training requirements needed will need to be as a separate 1-2-1, 1-2-1 Package or group class. 

Recall Package


Anchor 1

Does you dog come back every time you call them? Do they get distracted by the environment, other people or dogs?

Recall is in my opinion the most important thing we can teach our pups. If your pups do not have a recall that means really they cannot go off lead to run around and fulfil their needs as a dog. Off lead for pups is super important as this is where they are able to be who they are - run around, sniff, swim, play in the leaves and just have FUN! For our pups to be able to do this and to keep them safe we need to ensure they come back to us when we call them. 

My Story: 

I have been in the situation where I have let my dog (Milo) off lead, and recalled him and nothing…. Not even a hint of wanting to come back to me…. Once I finally got him back, I put him back on the lead and it was not then the walk either of us wanted. After lots of training, lots of practise and A LOT of patience I can now happily let my dog off the lead knowing he will come back to me when called.

I am not going to lie about Recall training, it will take:

🕗 Time
🤨 Patience
😣 Perseverance 
🏁 Practise/Repetition 
✅ Reward - treats/praise

Recall is not fixed over night, within a week or a month. It will take time for you and your pup get in to a rhythm your are both comfortable with. All of this and then adding in other factors of the environment and people/dogs as distractions it take a lot of work. 


I have put together this Recall training package to give you and your pup the basic principle of teaching your pup recall. This package will include 3 sessions in total:

Session 1 - Meet you and your pup. Teach you different recall games, give you tips and guidance on how to handle/manage your pup in different situations. Introduce you and your pup to long lines and when/how to use them. Run through how to and where to be teaching your recall. You will also receive a hand out of what exercises are covered so you can always look back on these. This session will be 2 hours.

Session 2 - 1 month after session 1. Meet up and see how you are getting on. Run through any problems you are having with your recall and adjust your training if necessary. This session will be 45 minutes.


Session 3 - 2 month after session 1. Meet up to see your progress and increasing the difficulty of your recall. Making sure your pup is understanding what this recall is. This sessions will be 30 minutes. 


Extra Session can be added after session 3 if you feel you need more guidance or want to make sure you and your pup stay focus and keep your recall at a set standard. This can be either a 30 minute or hour session as you see fit.

Prices:  1 Hour - $80 or 30 minutes - $40

Recall Package - $210
(3 Sessions - 1st session 2 Hours, 2nd Session - 45 minutes, 3rd Session - 30 minutes)

Teaching Methods & Equipment: 

All my teaching I use is positive and force free. I use treats to reward my pups behaviours or if they do something I like. I also will use toys, if your pup likes this. Verbal encouragement is always used to help our pups where we can.

No slip lead, choke chain or electric collars are used to teach our pups. 

Longlines: These are used when teaching pups their recall. It is our only way to be able to stop out pups when out at a distance. We start off with holding the longline and then build up to let the longline trail. We only take the longline off once we can 100% guarantee pup will come back every time they are called. 


I will bring mine for our 1st session, but these can be brought at many pet stores or online. 

Long line suggestions:

I suggest NO loop at the end, so the long line does not get stuck on anything (tree stumps, rocks etc. ) 

Biothane material is great as it is waterproof and will glide through grass and woods easily, not getting stuck on obstacles. 

Please note: All Recall Training Package session will ONLY focus on recall training. Other training requirements needed will need to be as a separate 1-2-1, 1-2-1 Package or group class. 

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